Filer Township garbage pick-ups are on Thursdays and Fridays (see map below). Totes or bags shall be placed at the nearest curb-side or the edge of the nearest public road right of way no earlier than the previous day before the day of collection and removed by the end of the next day after the day of collection. In case of a holiday or due to weather that occurs Monday – Friday, the pickup will be the following day of the regular pickup. This service is provided through payment of taxes and not billed directly to residents. Republic Services is contracted for the service.
Filer residents will have selected either to have a tote service or bag pick-up only. The totes stay with the home if the owner sells and are the property of Republic Services. If don’t have a tote and just purchased a home, please call Republic Services to be placed on the list and they will drop off a tote if one hasn’t been specified for the address already. Bags must be water-tight and not exceed 30-gallon capacity with a limit of 3 bags and not to be placed in the can. Additional totes may be purchased through Republic Services. If garbage was not picked up, please call Republic Services at (231) 723-4850.
Please contact the Township to start your service with your new address.
Filer Township does not have a recycling program at this time but Republic Services has recycling bins at their facility located at 3890 Camp Rd., Manistee. Please call them for more information at (231) 723-4850.
One bulk item is allowed on the first garbage pickup day of the month and shall include such things as furniture, appliances not containing Freon, mattresses, trunks, toys, bundles of carpeting (not exceeding 4 ft in length, 2 ft in width, and weighing not more than 40 pounds). For more items and restrictions, see the Republic Services Bulky Item Flyer.
The MCD hosts a Household Hazardous Waste collection day every year on the 3rd Saturday in August at the Manistee County Road Commission. Recycle your unused, unwanted, or outdated cleaning products, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, electronics, batteries & more! Safe disposal of these hazardous materials not only protects our local natural resources but also protects our health.
This program is made possible through a partnership with the Michigan Department of Agriculture’s Clean Sweep Program, The Household Hazardous Waste Committee, United Way, Manistee County Community Foundation Environmental Fund, and contributions from local townships and villages within the county.
Click on the HHW Brochure for a complete list of acceptable and unacceptable items and event details.