The Authority is established pursuant to Act 57 by the Township to accomplish the public purposes enumerated in Section 201a of Act 57 including, without limitation, the use of tax increment financing and other permitted means to halt property value deterioration and increase property tax valuation where possible in the Authority District, to eliminate the causes of that deterioration and to promote economic growth in the District.
Filer Township Committee Vacancy
One (1) vacancy on the Downtown Development Authority for an unexpired term ending 12/31/26. Applicants must be a “Resident of the Downtown Development Authority District”. Please contact Shirley Ball, Clerk at 231-723-3138 ext. 4 for an application or download file off our website. Submit applications to the Clerk at Charter Township of Filer, 2505 Filer City Road, Manistee, MI 49660. Advertising will continue until vacancy is filled.